Corporate Social Responsibility

At GUHER™ we don’t see corporate responsibility as a buzzword, but a state of mind that is at the core of everything we do. Our decision-making aims to ensure that at all times we are performing responsibly and that our success is built on sound ethics and practical sustainability.

We are committed to delivering our services responsibly and sustainably, ensuring that we meet your needs while managing and minimizing the social, environmental and economic impacts of our operations and services. We recognize that by working with our suppliers, customers, employees and the communities in which we serve, we can make a greater contribution to a more sustainable society.

Our distinctive approach, developed over the past 33 years, combines a commitment to innovation and technological progress with a genuine and demonstrable concern for the environment. We continue to research and evaluate new, more efficient and environmentally focused techniques for all aspects of our operations, including waste collection, waste treatment etc…

Our objective is to always act responsibly to the highest standards of environmental and professional operations and to actively engage and contribute positively to the communities in which we operate.
Key Responsibilities:
Our corporate responsibility framework consists of the following key areas:
Protecting the local and global environment through responsible management ensuring compliance, limiting climate change and waste, and protecting biodiversity.
Promoting a positive safety culture that considers the health, safety and well-being of the public and community.
Attracting a diversity of people to the organization who believe in the same principles of responsibility and are engaged through ongoing training and development.
Encouraging open, honest and respectful communication with the community whilst supporting local enhancement initiatives
Quality Management System
GUHER™ committed to developing and implementing an integrated management system that satisfies the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management), Since its inception, the management system has been fully integrated across all operations and locations, our certification body, conducts ongoing assessment visits at each of our sites and production facilities, to independently assess our compliance with the management system standards and identify further improvement opportunities. We offer and practice QMS religiously as an integral part of our company policy.